RABBL Bacon-Wrapped Blood Bowl Tournament, Oct. 3, Virginia
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:14 pm
The Richmond Area Blood Bowl League will be sponsoring a NAF (http://www.thenaf.net) sanctioned Blood Bowl tournament on Saturday, October 3, 2015 at Battlegrounds (http://www.battlegroundsrva.com)!
Basic Details:
Event Name: Fourth Annual RABBL Bacon-Wrapped Blood Bowl Tournament
Place: Battlegrounds in Midlothian, Virginia (see "Store Information" below for address, phone number and web address.)
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (see “Agenda” below for more details)
Entrance Fee: $20 per player, $25 for Non-NAF members (extra $5 will go to cover cost of annual NAF membership)
What Each Participant Must Bring:
- 3 copies of their team roster (see “Roster Creation” below)
- Block Dice and eight-sided dice
- Models representing their team and players. Each player must be numbered.
- Pen or pencil
- A pitch and dug outs (not required, but if you have a pitch/dug outs please bring them with you to ensure we have enough!)
What Each Participant Receives:
- 3 games of Blood Bowl
- An opportunity to win an awesome trophy (see “Awards/Trophies” below)
- 2 tailgating sessions featuring bacon-wrapped hot dogs—the official food of the Richmond Area Blood Bowl League!
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Tailgating and Registration
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., First Round
1:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m., Second Round
4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m., Tailgating/Dinner Break
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Third Round
7:30 p.m., Award Ceremony
Tournament Rules:
Games will be played using the rules from the Blood Bowl Competition Rules Pack with the following modifications:
- Illegal procedure will not be in effect.
- Turns will not be timed unless coaches prefer otherwise. Simply discuss this with your opponent before each match begins.
- Rosters are reset after each round. This means players are restored to health/life, star player points are not accumulated, no improvement rolls are made and no gold is earned.
Roster Creation:
- Each Coach has an allowance of 1,150,000 gold pieces to create their roster and purchase skill and stat increases. Reference the Blood Bowl rule book for appropriate values and rules. The following rules and restrictions apply:
1. No player may be given more than one skill OR stat increase.
2. No player may be given a stat increase in addition to a skill (it’s either one or the other!)
3. No more than 2 players may be given the same skill.
4. No more than 2 players may have the same stat increase.
5. No extraordinary skills may be taken.
6. Strength or agility stat increases may not be taken.
7. Players with strength of 5 or more may not be given double skills unless they play for a Goblin, Halfling, or Ogre team.
8. Star players may not be given any skills or stat increases.
9. Inducements may be purchased during team creation, including Star Players, but excludes Wizards, Special Play Cards and Unlimited Mercenaries. These inducements are considered a permanent part of the team can be used each game. Opposing teams may have the same Star Player, contrary to the rule book.
10. Teams may be selected from the 21 races in the rulebook in addition to the approved by the Blood Bowl Rules Committee (Chaos Pact, Slaan, Underwold Pact).
11. You must have at least 11 players on your roster. Please note: Star Players purchased during team creation can count towards the minimum 11 players required for a team.
12. The following teams will be eligible to win the Stunty Cup: Halfings, Ogres, Goblins, Lizardmen (no Saurus Warriors), and Underworld Pact (no skaven players). (see “Awards/Prizes” below.)
Pairing and Scoring:
Opponents will be selected randomly for Round 1. Rounds 2 and 3 will be selected using the system of Swiss pairing (most points vs. most points, lowest points vs. lowest points, etc.) Coaches are awarded points based on the following:
+20 points for each win
+10 points for each draw
0 points for each loss
+ 1 point per casualty (only those that would normally result in SPPs)
+ 1 point for each touchdown scored
+ 2 points for shutting out your opponent (your opponent did not score any touchdowns)
In addition, the following points will be awarded after the second round of play, based on the appearance of each coach's team (judged by tournament staff):
Painted, +1 Point: The models are each covered with paint of some type, with no bare metal or plastic visible.
- Detailed, Up to +3 Points: 1 point for table top quality, 2 points for above table top quality, 3 points for "true artistry"
- Numbered, +1 Point: All of the team's players are clearly numbered.
- Distinctive, +1 Point: All of the positional players may be easily determined (following explanation, if necessary).
- Based, Up to +3 Points: 1 point for basing, 2 points for basing + details (pitch lines on grass, for example), 3 points for well-based models.
- Bonus, +1 Point: Team has matching or team themed re-roll/turn counters, custom balls, skill markers, etc.
- Unpainted teams are allowed, but their use will obviously impact a coach's chances of winning the tournament.
Special Play Cards:
At the start of each game, before rolling for weather, each coach will receive one special play card selected at random to use for that game (and that game only.) To select a card each coach will first roll a d3 which corresponds to one of the lists below. After being assigned a list they will then roll a d8 which will determine the special play card they receive (each card is assigned a number based on the d8 roll.) Both coaches can receive the same card and both coaches must roll for their cards in the presence of their opponent. In other words, both coaches will know which card the other coach receives. Coaches who tied their game in the previous round are allowed to make one reroll to determine which list they will be assigned for that round. Coaches who lost their game in the previous round can make one reroll to determine which list they will be assigned for that round and can also make one reroll to determine which card their will be assigned for that round. They must accept the result of every reroll. Print outs of each special play card’s description will be provided at the tournament for ease of reference.
List 1 (roll of a 1 on a d3): Magic Items
1. Force Shield
2. Gikta's Strength of da Bear
3. Gloves of Holding
4. Inertia Dampner
5. Lucky Charm
6. Magic Gloves of Jark Longarm
7. Good Old Magic Codpiece
8. Wand of Smashing
List 2 (roll of a 2 on a d3): Special Team Plays
1. Dogged Defense
2. Flea Flicker
3. Fumblerooski
4. Going the Extra Mile
5. Heroic Leap
6. New Blocking Scheme
7. Perfect Kick
8. Punt
List 3 (roll of a 3 on a d3): Miscellaneous Mayhem and Dirty Tricks
1. Badyear Git
2. Sprinkler Malfunction
3. Eclipse
4. Friendly Fans
5. Custard Pie
6. Distract
7. Kicking Boots
8. Stolen Playbook
Trophies will be given during the award ceremony for the following:
- 1st Place (most match points)
- 2nd Place (second most match points)
- Most Violent (most casualties inflicted)
- Highest Scoring (most touchdowns scored)
- Best Defense (least touchdowns allowed)
- Stunty Cup (most match points scored by a stunty team)
- Best Appearance (participating coach must have personally painted their team to be eligible for this award)
- Most Mediocre (awarded to the participant whose tournament ranking is in the middle of most and least match points)
- SPR Team Spirit Award (awarded to the participant with the most team spirit whether it be in the form of extravagant touchdown celebrations, exceptional sportsmanship, live cheerleaders, etc.)
- Pillow Fighter (least amount of casualties inflicted)
- Bench Warmer (least amount of touchdowns scored)
- Most Spanked (least match points)
How to Register:
Step 1.) Email Jeremiah (me) at jtothedillon@gmail.com with the following information: your intention to participate, what team you'll be using, and a copy of your roster. All skill selections and stat upgrades should be depicted in bold.
Step 2.) Show up on the day of the tournament between 9:00-11:00 a.m. and visit the tournament registration desk to get signed-in and pay the registration fee. (Preregistration is also available. If you would prefer to preregister simply indicate as much when you email your roster and arrangements will be made.)
Store information:
13172 Midlothian Turnpike
Midlothian, VA 23113
Store Hours:
Monday through Saturday, 12:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (except the day of the tournament!)
Sunday, 12:00 noon - 8:00 p.m.